Our Mission

To equip high school and college students with a mentor who provides the framework for training and development in education, personal development, accountability, and Biblical spirituality

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Peer pressure... normally a phrase with a negative connotation... will never be viewed in the same way after you read this. Peer pressure is when one person or a group of persons tries to influence another party to participate in an action that the party would not normally participate in. Examples would be a team trying to get a new player to do some sort of "initiation," a person trying to talk another person into riding a roller coaster, or a group of people at a party trying to talk someone into drinking or doing drugs.

Today, however, will shed a new light on peer pressure. It is time to use peer pressure for good. As Christians, it is our duty to share the gospel and stand up for Jesus Christ and God's Holy Word. Knowing that we are Christians and that God's Word is the ultimate truth, it should be easy for us to stand up for what we know. I, for example, am a man, and if anyone should dispute that I would defend myself. As Christians, it should be no different. When people dispute what the Bible says, we have to stand up for what we know to be truth. If we do not stand up for what the Bible says, we are passively siding with views of the world rather than views of God.

How can you use peer pressure to share Christ? All you have to do is talk about what God says in His Word, and what God has done in your life. Not one single person has a testimony like yours, and we are called to share what God is doing in our lives. Accordingly, thanks to Scritpture, we know that God's word does not go out void, so when you quote scipture, it is the Holy Spirit's responsibility to communicate the truth of the word to the person you are witnessing to.

Next time you find yourself in the middle of a conversation about religion, God, or someone's views, do not forget to speak what you know to be true. It just might be the last time that the Gospel is shared to a particular person or group of persons. You could be that person's only lifeline to Christ.

Be encouraged, fear not, and share the love and story of Christ with everyone. The first time you do it you will probably be a little nervous, but the Lord will give you the words to say. The next time you share Christ with someone, it will be a little easier than the first. The more you do it, the easier it becomes to share your faith. Furthermore, Christ in you gives you the ability to witness, not your wordly knowledge, position, or wealth. Go out in His name, for His glory.

Fear not! His mercy endures forever.

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